Weleda’s mission is to actively cultivate beauty by stimulating and inspiring your body, mind and spirit. In order to achieve this, we recognise the beauty in the soil we use, the flowers we grow and the partnerships we build, which honour the human spirit and respect the natural world. And naturally, we also see beauty in you.
For millennia, people have wanted to care for their bodies, to keep their skin smooth and their hair shiny. Numerous beauty rituals have been handed down to us from all eras of humanity – from bathing in clean water or hot steam and scrubbing with clay or brushes, to anointment with lotions and oils. Some of them, such as the famous milk baths of Cleopatra, are still well-known today.
While conventional personal care often focuses on just giving the skin what it lacks, we take a holistic approach. In our understanding, looking after your body serves not only beauty, but also health. Body care should equally maintain the balance between body, mind and soul.
We achieve this through our biodynamic farming methods and by developing fair trade partnerships for a more positive impact on the world. And, of course, we do it with genuine products that work with your body to nurture, heal and discover inner balance and glow. We strongly believe in supporting the health and beauty of every individual, drawing on the wisdom of nature and bringing together the virtuous properties of natural ingredients to strengthen the skin’s own forces. Our carefully chosen leadplants give special character to our skin care products, as we believe that the life processes of nature and of humans are interconnected.
Working holistically like this, we hope each of us will be empowered to cultivate inner beauty and glow in the world.